Leaders like Google, Facebook and Amazon have embraced what scientists at the MIT Game Lab have known for years:

Playing Games Makes Us
Better at Our Jobs

Captive will work with you to create a unique escape room experience that will build and enhance communication, empathy and unity. Plus it’s just incredibly fun.

Everyone Can Play

We have worked with teams as small as 20 up to several thousand participants over a multi-day event.

Diverse Locations

We are always looking for new challenges. If you have an idea, we can find a way. From conference rooms to an 18th-century church and every type of location in between.

Flexible Time

Experiences can run from an hour to several days depending entirely on your needs and logistics.

We Make Great Teams A Little Better

Today’s workplace is often chaotic and divided

The benefits of a more empathetic and unified team have never been more clear

Enhanced Office Culture

Stronger Relationships

Increased Productivity and Sales

Team Building


Location Experiences

Tell us what you need and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can